Nutrifungus - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

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A meaty bioengineered mushroom grown for its nutritious value. It can grow on fungal gravel, but only in darkness - exposing it to any kind of light, including darklights, will kill it.

Base Stats

0 (1)
Path Cost



Plant Stats

Time to grow
6 days (11.08 days)
Work to Sow
170ticks (2.83secs)
Work to Harvest
200ticks (3.33secs)
Base Harvest Yield
Min Fertility
Fertility Sensitivity
Min light to grow

Nutrifungus grows on lichen-covered soil and must be planted in and stay in complete darkness. So long as the darkness requirement is met, it can be grown in any terrain that is sufficiently fertile to support a growing zone. This includes, but is not limited to, fungal gravel and hydroponics basins. Due to its low fertility sensitivity, it takes fewer penalties from poorer soils than more sensitive plants, but also benefits less from being in hydroponics. Nutrifungus is immune to blight. An interesting exception to the rule that Nutrifungus can only grow in darkness is when planted around other mushroom-like emitters of light, such as Bryolux, Agarilux, or Glowstool.

Note that most ideoligions hate eating raw fungus.


  • 1 Growing
  • 2 Analysis
    • 2.1 Indoor farming
  • 3 Gallery
  • 4 Version history


  • Ground TypeGravelSoilRich SoilHydroponics
    Fertility (%)70100140280
    Real Grow Time (days)[1]11.611.0810.458.72
    Base Yield/day[2]0.950.991.051.26
    1. Actual days to grow, taking into account rest time.
    2. Per plant, assuming Crop Yield Multiplier of 1.0.
      Note that Difficulty settings change the Crop Yield Multiplier.
  • Analysis[edit]

    Nutrifungus grows very slightly slower than potato plants, taking 103.4% the time to grow for the exact same yield. In addition, yield per work is identical between the two crops, making them mostly identical for the purposes of food. Nutrifungus has even less fertility sensitivity than potatoes, so it actually grows faster in poor soil (the potato plant's usual niche).

    However, a baseline pawn will work 80% as fast with fungus due to the penalties of darkness. The Lighting: Darklight Preferred precept or Dark vision gene both counteract any negative dark-related effect.

    In addition, most ideoligions dislike eating raw fungus, with a −3 moodlet when cooked. This makes potatoes the superior overall choice for colonies without the Tunneler meme, so long as you can grow outdoors. With the Tunneler meme, growing nutrifungus becomes a no-brainer, as tunnelers hate non-fungus vegetables. They can be also viable if you are forced to grow crops under gravel or stony soil, such as in the Extreme Desert.

    Indoor farming[edit]

    Even without the Tunneler meme, fungus can be worthwhile to sow. This is because nutrifungus can be grown in darkness, which lets you grow indoors without needing a sun lamp. Being indoors, in turn, lets you use heaters to control the temperature, and grow crops during the winter. So, even when considering the mood penalty of fungus, and the work penalties of darkness, this crop can be worthwhile to grow. Also since it grows in caves it considerably harder for raiders to set alight than other chemfuel feedstocks.

    It can also be grown freely if you are forced to (or want to) live under a sun blocker. With a sun blocker, you'll still need to place a roof over the growing area for colonists to actually plant the crop.


    • Nutrifungus variant A

    • Nutrifungus variant B

    • Nutrifungus variant C

    Version history[edit]

    • Ideology DLC release - Added


    Domesticated plants
    Cocoa treeCorn plantCotton plantDevilstrand mushroomHaygrassHealrootHop plantPotato plantPsychoid plantRice plantSmokeleaf plantStrawberry plantTinctoriaFibercorn Gauranlen pod Nutrifungus Toxipotato plant
    Decorative plants
    DandelionsDaylilyRoseBonsai tree
    Wild plants
    AgariluxAgaveAlocasiaAmbrosia bushAstragalusBerry bushBramblesBryoluxBushChokevineCliviaGiant rafflesiaGlowstoolGrassLow shrubsMossPincushion cactusTall grassWild healrootAnima grass Gauranlen moss
    Bamboo treeBirch treeCecropia treeCypress treeDrago treeMaple treeOak treePalm treePine treePoplar treeSaguaro cactusTeak treeWillow treeTimbershroom Gray pine tree Pebble cactus Rat palm tree Witchwood tree
    Anima tree Gauranlen tree Polux tree Harbinger tree
    Tree stumps
    Burned stumpChopped stump (Gauranlen , Anima , Polux , Harbinger )Smashed stump (Gauranlen , Anima , Polux , Harbinger )

    Nutrifungus - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


    Can nutrifungus grow in hydroponics? ›

    Nutrifungus grows on lichen-covered soil and must be planted in and stay in complete darkness. So long as the darkness requirement is met, it can be grown in any terrain that is sufficiently fertile to support a growing zone. This includes, but is not limited to, fungal gravel and hydroponics basins.

    How does fungal gravel work RimWorld? ›

    Fungal gravel can grow any type of plant, not just nutrifungus. It is not required for growing nutrifungus, which can grow on any type of soil, provided it is grown in complete darkness. If left untended, in total darkness, it may spawn Timbershrooms. Note that, unlike other types of soil, fungal gravel can be removed.

    How to grow cave fungus in RimWorld? ›

    An Agarilux, is a wild plant that only spawns inside caves and cannot be grown by the player. It has a slow grow time, and harvesting a fully grown specimen produces up to 35 raw fungus. It reproduces by spores to nearby dark areas. After a certain growth period it emits 41% light from the spot where it grows.

    How to grow plants in RimWorld? ›

    Plants may spontaneously grow in available tiles or can be cultivated by colonists in growing zones or hydroponics basins. With adequate time and environmental conditions, plants will age into a mature lifestage when they can be harvested by colonists assigned to Grow work.

    What are three plants that are not recommended for hydroponics? ›

    The root vegetables, onions, and potatoes are just not feasible to be grown in water. Which leaves us with the brassicas, these babies are in this list just given their sheer size.

    What grows the fastest in hydroponics? ›

    Leafy greens, including lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are excellent choices for hydroponics due to their rapid growth rates and high nutritional value. Here are some specific requirements for successfully growing these plants: Lighting: Leafy greens require approximately 12-16 hours of light per day.

    How much mycelium is underground? ›

    Plants appear to communicate within an ecosystem using mycelium, the fungal network produced by mycorrhiza fungi. Mycelial networks constitute 20-30% of soil biomass, though traditional biomass measures fail to detect them.

    How do sterile tiles work Rimworld? ›

    Sterile tiles boost cleanliness by +0.6, meaning an entire room of sterile tiles will have 0.6 Cleanliness. In addition, they only take 60% of the time to clean, but have −1 beauty per tile. Sterile tiles are non-flammable and do not penalize walk speed.

    How do you grow Tinctoria Rimworld? ›

    Tinctoria only needs 30% light, but since it has an exceptionally short life time of 6 days, it wont really grow to full maturity unless you give it normal light levels. Having long periods of low light can mess up their growth.

    How do you make fungi grow faster? ›

    Moisture: Keeping the fungi damp is important so that they do not dry out and are able to optimally decompose the substrate. They like a damp area for optimal growth.

    How to grow timbershroom rimworld? ›

    Timbershroom is a tree that can't be planted, but spawns in caves &/or on Fungal gravel. It may be more gainful than fibercorn, given space and luck.

    What is the most profitable plant to grow RimWorld? ›

    Rice and Corn are equally affected by soil, but corn cannot be grown in hydroponics. Nutrifungus, then potatoes, are affected the least by both poor and good soil. Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work. It is actually more profitable per unit work than any crop in the game, including every drug.

    How big should a farm be per colonist RimWorld? ›

    A quick rule of thumb is to grow 10+ tiles of food crops per colonist in a biome with year-round growing. If the colony hunts as well, it will accumulate some food reserves, which can be saved for winter, fed to prisoners, or sold.

    Is fibercorn worth it RimWorld? ›

    Fibrecorn is less work for similar wood per day compared to many trees, it's a good option on any map if you are needing a grown source of wood. One fibrecorn plant takes up ~1/4 the space of a tree in optimal grid layouts or 1/9 the space of just a random single tree, and is ~24 times faster to sow.

    Which plant Cannot be produced by hydroponics? ›

    In fact, pretty much the only plants that don't adapt well to hydroponic gardening are ones that need a lot of space to sprawl, climb, or grow (like vines and trees) and root crops (think potatoes, carrots, onions).

    What plants are not growing in hydroponics? ›

    An off-kilter pH level is one of the most common reasons for plant die-offs in a hydroponic system. It's incredibly important to monitor pH levels because all your plants live in the same nutrient solution – if your pH is bad for one plant, all your plants could suffer!

    What doesn't grow hydroponically? ›

    Although hydroponics is gaining positive traction among growers for providing a sustainable way of cultivating food, there are some plants that do not grow properly in a hydroponic setting. These include those that have deep roots, like potatoes, plants that grow tall, and vines.

    Can you grow algae in hydroponics? ›

    It's important to realize that there will almost always be some algae in your hydroponic system. Where there are nutrients, water and light, there will always be algae at some point.

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