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Wow , nice man Pre-Amp heaven yeah man.....Show us your Pre-Amp (1).....Show us your Pre-Amp (2)

love to have a play on them lot...

Cor i dunno where to start, They're all good in their own way.

I do like a mostec, Ive used my pals many times, Not got a picture of this one tho. But since his had it the units broke 3 times and Mark is very hard to get hold of, His very busy. So this put me off buying one for myself. But you only gotta go to a Word, Sound & Power session and see Robert Tribulation running his Mostec to see how good they can perform. Not seen a sound run a Mostec like Robert does. Him the master ;)

Ive ordered a Jo Red myself, Still not heard one in action. But heard good things so ive gone for it and got one of those being built as we speak. Couple of my friends have them but not found the time to go have a play yet. Now mines ordered ill just hold out and enjoy the moment when it arrives.

JTS pre amps, Well everyone knows what they like. Very reliable, And drop heavy. I like them.
My friends 3 way modded to 4 way is good, I been using that regularly lately. Irad done the mod. He relocated the headphone socket and volume to the rear of the unit and fitted an extra mid bass switch, volume & sweep. So now you got a mid/tops sweep, Mid bass sweep & a bass sweep.
It works well, To be honest i prefer it to a standard Tubbys 4 way. You can tune in just that little bit more with the mid bass sweep.

My friends Custom Irad is very clean and the drive its got is insane. But then its tricky to use. Its all over the place and not very user friendly. I cant even begin to go into the controls on it.
Its got 4 kills with a sweep to each. But then you got an extra bass switch with extra gain & another sweep which boosts the bass even more, It dont make sense. My friend never uses it out but. We played with 2 scoops and had a fiddle. The Eq sounds like its got a filter on it. You just touch anything a tiny bit and it makes a big difference. Could easily get lost on this pre.
You got master volume, Then 4 gains for B,MB,M,T then you got another 4 gains for the same.
I think if you work closely with Irad you could get him to build a great unit, But you would really have to be strict. As my pal gave him a design and he came back with this which is completely different to what he asked for. He does what he wants to do, not what you want lol. But he is a clever guy.
Iration was running some huge Irad pre for a while. I never thought Iration sounded to good with this. I see Iration play on friday and his gone back to using his Links pre. Sounded wicked. Much Much better.

Anyways i gotta leave it there and get back to work.. Respex.

Show us your Pre-Amp (3) vragas wrote:

Anyone used dubsonic preamp?

I was close to ordering a Dubsonic 4 way.. His build time is fast. He said to me 2 months possibly quicker if im in a rush. But i had already set myself on a Jo Red.
I have asked a few people and one very well known producer told me he played on one out in France and it was a nice unit but nothing special. I spoke to another guy who knows Soloman Heritage well and they use a DubSonic and they absolutely love it. Say its the best pre they've had.
You will always get some people loving one unit and others loving another. All about your personal opinion. I didnt want to order a DubSonic without hearing one. But i do think they look good, and i do reckon they sound good to. Gotta say his siren unit is the best on the market at the mo.
The features on his Mini Pre look good, If you was looking for a mini deffo take a look at his.

Heres some info on them -

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Show us your Pre-Amp (2025)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.